

mulai hari ini saya akan menulis keseharian saya. kemaren banyak postingan yang pake bahasa inggris niatnya sih mau latihan tapi grammar jelek banget jadi malu hahaha mulai sekarang pokonya ini bakalan jadi blog tentang keseharianku bener-bener keseharian! dan judul blognya juga bakalan ganti dari ~NYAM~ jadi --------> Celoteh Deo! okedeh segini aja pemberitahuannya makasih ya yang udah mau baca blog ini padahal terhitung jelek huhuhu

Salam Manis,
Nadia Anindita


Fasting days and Move away!

Hello everybody! i know it's been a long time since my last post (but, who cares. probably) hahaha i'm so busy with school activitys. and yea i got something to tell, i moved from tebet to pancoran, tired but i have to. umh lot of my friends regret this matter, and me too. cause however i'm still in love with my old house. pleasant and gratify <---- that is two words to depict my old house. now in pancoran which is my grandpa house, umh it seem so-so nothing special, but i loved my grandpa's home theater wuh so cozy. and............................................................................................(thinking)
are you fasting now? if you moslem you have to, right? okay about my day it will be so boring to tell and what? i don't have interesting story to tell, as always. actually i have, a lot. eventhough i'm not good in writing but i like it! umh now i be sick. the doctor said i'm flu. but thank god i'm not attackted by swine-flu :p and that's all for today, insyaallah tomorrow i will post some interesting story for you
thanks for reading!