
well, good afternoon. It's been months without this blog, and I feel nothing. Maybe, it's because I wrote too much crap. I don't think this blog are interesting. AND I HATE IT. To be honest, I intend to close~delete~bury this blog. But today, I was thinking, I have to change something, but I don't know. HECK DEAD LOCK. I'm so mad.
Then, what should I probably do? this is confusing. F.



Jadi, seminggu lalu saya pindah ke bandung, dengan tampang sedih beriring duka memandang bekunya langit biru yang berarak berbentuk berak *jie* yah gitu lah, terus senin-nya langsung masuk sekolah. 2 hari pertama saya nangis-nangis gak jelas sebelum tidur, aneh lah kaya om-om berbikini. Terus, jadi ini udah seminggu 2 hari saya sekolah. Hem.

Kesan Kandang Baru (XI IPS 2 ~ SMAN 8 Bandung):

  • Bingung
  • Orang-orang bergosip, saya diam. Gak tau mau ngomong apa.
  • Toilet kotor, bakteri berzinah.
  • Belum menjajal di hati.
  • DAN. Gak bisa joget/meliar depan kelas, iyalah. Saya ini tingkat malunya amat tinggi, tidak mau di anggap tapir joget.

Yah gitu lah. Terus masa hari ini saya rapat softball gitu kan, eh anggotanya kurang dari 10 atau 10 gitu kayanya................sepi banget kaya club senam jasmani. Huhuhu agak sedih lah, calon tim saya ck.

Tapi yang paling bikin pengen balik ke Jakarta ya, itu lah temen-temennya, kayanya udah pada punya temen sendiri gitu. Sedih juga. Padahal di kelas X-C kemaren kayanya saya liar bener becingcong kaya bencong salon. Kini tak sama. Lalu kaka slank bernyayi "balikin oh oh balikin, masa lincah seperti dulu lagi", tapi bohong. Yang ketipu berarti otaknya jelly.



I have no idea what you exactly think when you read the title. But, it could be 2 or 3 things: coloured sky, polar, and princess. yes. sorry if I fumble. But, it's not that. It's about what my feelings right now. So, if you interested go check my feelings, which is I know that's so-not-important.

Auroras, also known as northern and southern (polar) lights or aurorae (singular: aurora), are natural light displays in the sky, usually observed at night, particularly in the polar regions.

Only one word could describe my feelings now: Aurora. Yes, that magnificent lights who always makes us saying 'WOW' with stupid o-o face hahaha. Why? that's the question that I have to reply. And this is my answer: now I feel like I want to explode because of madness that had been hitting me for a few days and it makes me dropping my tears (I always have a thought that tears are beautiful, it's like a sprinkle donuts that stick on a sad face). And that's why I feel like an auroras coming up from my brain, but they stuck in my head. They desire to be free but, just can't. A bit awkward but that's how I feel. I'm so dumb.


School days.

Hai saya sedang UAS *ujian akhir sekolah* euy, capek pisan. Mulainya sih sebenernya Jum'at kemarin. Asem banget kirain mulainya senin gak taunya kemaren Jum'at terus sabtu, 3 memang aneh ==' Sekarang pengen ngepost hari-hari selama uas aja sih, selamat membaca!

#1st day 4.6.10: Physics & History
"Yiha! hari pertama langsung Fisika, matilah kitakita, galau hinggap di dada, pusing tak kira-kira, mabok mengerjakannya YEAH." -theme song Fisika.
Gile sehari sebelom itu langsung les lah sama sang guru besar Pak Wawan (guru private gua dan iasha), udah yakin tuh pas les, tapi! ternyata eh ternyata pas ngerjain, "jam dinding pun tertawa dan aku hanya diam dan membisu" kayanya lagu itu terputar di kepala begitu aja. Nasib. NAH udah gitu Sejarah lagi, udah tau itu si ibu-ibu udah jarang masuk sekalinya masuk cuma nyuruh ngerjain LKS terus pas terakhir lumayan sih dia ngasih jawaban LKS sama latihan buku cetak, hah pertamanya sih gak yakin, eh ternyata BISA! hore! "congratulation and celebration"
Hari pertama beres. Berakhir dengan hasil: Fisika-REMEDIAL a.k.a gagal maning. Sejarah-SUKSES!

#2nd day 5.6.10: Geography, TIK & Religion (islam)
Ini hari sabtu yang mestinya rileks di rumah malah harus meletakan bokong di bangku sekolah sambil mikir. Sebel. Tolong dong tolong, geografi belajar seadanya dari lembaran yang diberi langsung dari tante Dame Rose Lolly, nama sih udah asoy kebarat-baratan tapi kelakuan udah kaya napi nusakambangan, lagu theme song buat doi: "si loli gampang ngamuk, kelakuannya buruk, salah dikit di gebuk, tampangnya kaya mabuk, kite di tendang nyusruk!" pokonya bayangin sendirilah -.- tapi untung bisa ngerjainnya walau pake capcipcup ucup dikit lah ~,~ terus TIK lagi! si bos besar Jaenal master of TIK kemaren udah beberapa bulan asem urat, begitu masuk sok galak. PUSING GAK SIH? udah gitu mana gak tau mesti belajar darimana ck, akhirnya ngasal punya lah TIK. EH agama kata Pak Mul suruh belajar dari lembaran yang doi kasih, lumayan sih 80% keluar tapi lupalupa sikit lah HA HA ish
Hari kedua beres. Hasilnya adalah: Geografi-ASOY TIK-SUKSES Agama-Alhamdullilah saya berhasil!

#3rd day 7.6.10: Chemistry, Civics & Deutsch
INTRO: Minggu pagi, bangun langsung pusing. Males belajar melanda jiwa raga beserta kalbu dan seluruh jagat raya luluh lantah tergigit lintah! sekian. Ok, kembali ke asal. Jadi ya gitu dari bangun sampe sore males-malesan, belanja kebutuhan, nonton tv, leyeh-leyeh, udah macem ibu-ibu koyoan deh -,- Sampai akhirnya ada secercah semangat poco-poco 2003! dan dalam sekejap lembaran serta buku pelajaran sudah di tangan. Siap di baca. THE END.
Nah hari ketiga baru di mulai, yaitu hari ini. Kimia, essay alhamdullilah dengan rasa percayadiri yang terikat di hati aku kerjakan dengan lancar. PG, dengan senyuman malu-malu saat mengumpulkan, dan ketukan berkalikali di meja karena pusing pun terjadi. Ngerjainnya sepenuh hati, materinya keluar semua. Fuh. KWN lumayan deh karena udah baca bener-bener semua tulisan, jadi percayadiri deh, tapi tetap aja ada pertanyaannya yang bikin mengelus dada. Ck. NAH Jerman baru belajar pas istirahat 15menit, dan saat-saat mengerjakan pun penuh dengan usapan pada dahi, ketukan pada meja yang menggema dan tengak tengok persis saat menyebrang.
Hari ketiga beres. Hasilnya adalah: Kimia-REMEDIAL! tapi essay belum di hitung, masih ada harapan! KWN-belum tau tuh Jerman-romanromannya sih 100! HA HA goa kan frau *kampung*

Udah deh, sampai jumpa di laporan UAS berikutnya DADAH!

Salam kecup
Nadia Anindita


Sorry. Don't read this.


Hi, as you see on the title above. Don't read this post, I never forcing you to read. Cause I'm gonna wanna break my promises. I AM SO SORRY. I guess this blog gonna be a trashy useless blog. Full of confession and uhhhh fugh no!!!! But, I need to write anything on my mind, and I never want to have a DIARY but I guess now this blog is ALREADY become a diary. I'm become very disgusting lately, I don't know W.H.Y! I barely smile, looks like a zombie lost in place nowhere I don't know! Fffffggggghhhhh! I hate it
Please heaven..................................i'm so dead! I need more blood to live, need more more more bones to stand, and I do need brainwasher to wash my stinky dummy brain. I lose my mind, they run away..................just like my feet, they keep on running nowhere. What a shitty day to confess such a crappy things like this *sigh*

Lotta puke,
Nadia Anindita


Me with my pathetic life.

Hi. Still with me, Nadia Anindita, owner of this blog.

My life getting harder and weirder. I'm not kind of human who can adapt easily. And here I am, stuck between those teenager who act like a teenager even some of them more like an adult ==' and um I don't know, and me? what? still like an 7th grade silly girl. Honestly, I need someone to teach me how to face my world, how to be as is proper, or every-little-pretty-things that still hiding behind that great big wall, waiting for me to figure them out.

Poor me.

I wanna be more like teenager, weirdo. I can't believe I already confess it. That's the weirdest words I ever thrown. Ok, sounds pathetic. I'll stop that insane thought. Promise.

NOW I have some story to tell, HE HE guess what? Empire of The Sun will came to my town! WOOHOO i'm so excited! actually I already bought the ticket almost a month ago, but I'm just too excited! this feelings keep burning me for a whole month! Luke and Nick are fantastic and brilliant! Hope that I could take a photograph with em......................if it's possible, then I would scream like a little-annoying-stupid-girl ~.~ eh?

OH! one more story to tell, you know what? my momma likes empire of the sun too! HA HA she keep repeating 'standing one the shore' on our car! WOW


On my mind.

I wanna let you know what's on my mind. Read it carefully. Every words I remark with ('.....') is the point of this post.
This feelings came out when my iPod (enceng) *I know that was a horrible name =='* accidentaly play your song when we say 'goodbye'. The weather was pretty bad, raining outside. Thunderclaps and raindrops accompany me. I'm not gonna say 'I miss you' words, that's too lame. I'm just thinking again that you're the best um no, not the best, but oh what to say..............um ok, I can't say. I just got this thought on my head 'You know that I really loves music, and that's the way you catch and burn me. You touch my heart, perfectly. Thank you very much for being one of my best memories, I love you forever, as a lover or as a friend"

Lotta love,
Nadia Anindita

This is gonna be my last confession, promise.


Imma complainers, how about you?

I don't like my life since I realize that I'm so empty in senior high school. I feel like, no one's love me, ok. I had friends but, I don't feel like they're loving me. Unlike my junior high school, I know they love me. Cause I can feel it somehow, I surrounded by their love. And I really comfort with that.
Now, everytime I go to school, there's no exciting feelings. Just come to school, feeling empty, keep walking like that, egh I hate being like this. It's like they wanting me to be someone new, but I know one thing that I couldn't be a different person, cause I like being myself. This is me, I won't change it.
I want something great, but I didn't found it yet.

But yesterday I was surprised with news from my brother. He got Unpad, you can congratulate him if you want to. But he still waiting confirmation from UI. He wanted to go to UI. But, the news FOR ME is......................if he didn't get UI then he will move to Bandung to continue his school at UnPad. And so do I, I'm gonna move to Bandung. And that's gonna change my life so much. New town, new school, new friends, and absolutely new life. But, I still consider it. How's my life gonna be? worst or better? It's puzzled me. If you got some advice, please tell me. This is my MSN: atheyo@hotmail.com you can add it. I really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading my confession. More precisely, my shit. But i'll give you double thanks(what's the use?) if you wanna give me some advice :D


Another prosaic days.

Hi readers, how's your day? Yea I know I can't see your response, stupid. Ok. This is my blog, I wrote anything I want. Feel free to read or perhaps close this page. I just wanna share. No one forcing you to read my shit. So, about my life lately, of course.
Today I'm having BBQ party with my big family, such a good day. I got sirloin, french fries, frozen vegetables =.= and apple juice for my dinner. Nice. Oh plus Mint yoghurt, weird. Egh, stuck. Um, oh ya! Have you ever watch 500 days of summer?
I watched this film yesterday, and I just love it! Um, ok, I ran out of idea. It's already 01.00 and I nearly lost consciousness a.k.a sleepy. Ha-ha-ha wtheck. Um um um stuck.
O.M.G I haven't bought Empire of The Sun ticket. Lame. Anyone watch em'? I'm still searching for someone to accompany me. I've waited for a long time, and I'm so happy when I heard they would come and play this May! Can't wait, I'm so excited! I hope I can stand on the first row, and get some merch or whatever. So, nice to updating my blog, even my story is not exciting. But, thanks for reading, I really appreciate it. Thanks for being a good readers.
See you on my next post!
Have a nice day folks!


Weird weekend.

Hi again, about this post. I don't know, just wanna share some story on my blog. Lately I don't have something so special so this is just about my life, daily activities, etc. Don't wanna read it? oh fine, I don't mind. Really.

And then, ok. Someone has just screwed up my life, don't take it too serious reader. I'm fine, just a little pain. And it doesn't grow, so I could tell you that I was fine. Um yea, someone who made those pain is just a boy. So this story about love, but.................no not really. Cause actually I never said that I was fell in love with this guy. But still, it's kinda hurt to feel. Ok, the point is: this guy is in love with other girl, and I'm just a prey on his game. Shitty huh? don't wanna talk about it anymore.

And um, yesterday I was hang out with my fellas. And we have lunch on Sushi-ya TIS square. The food is nice, I love sushi. Then, me odry and upi go to the cinema to watch The Book of Eli. Good movie, love it even I'm not a christian. And then, Odry got home with her um what to say HAHA perhaps 'teman tapi mesra'. Me and upi? we got home by taxi. Uh oh. And and and when we arrived at upi's home, we talked about her extracurricular activities. She joined dance ext, she school at SMA 26 and the dance group is named 'Detak'. After we're having a chit chat about 30 minutes, I got home. And when the night has come, me and my family gone to have some dinner on takigawa. Great meal, love it. And, goodbye!

*is that the end? yes it is. what did you expect huh? haha*


Damn lame.

Hello there. What's up? *i'm just trying to be nice*

This is my um second post on April. I'm not expecting too much great things in this month. Yea just flat. But, something is happen. Something unexpected has just happened to me. I got a brand new stuff, ok don't congratulate me. And, I got a lovesick. Hell no. I'm not gonna tell you about my love life. Not again. I promise.

So, this post was about um *thinking* perhaps about my drabness. Being around in Jakarta for such a long time (15th years) makes me sick, sometimes. Then I've been thinking lately about moving to Bandung, sounds nice. But, I know my mama will not allow me. It's kinda sucks. I've got to wait my graduation from high school. *sigh*

I keep on walking to nowhere. I don't have any future goals. About a several month ago I want to be a Graphic Designer. But now I guess I did not really want it. It's just about the time, time can change everything including state of mind. And now I don't know what am I gonna be tomorrow. Kinda pathetic, huh?

Even my life is flat but I'm still waiting for a big thing to came to my life. Something spectacular and bizzare! Thanks for reading my confession. Goodbye mates!



 Your face is idiot. But, cute.

I DON'T KNOW is it love or just an anonymous feelings that makes my stomach feels weird everytime I saw you? 


Perhaps I'm just sick with this solitude. And I want somebody to pick me. Just like a cupcakes, she looks fine, nice, and still could makes others smiling but actually she just want somebody to own her.

I'll never know what's truely on my heart until I could be true to myself.

Life is awkward. Dang it.



Don't have any idea to write. So I decided to took one of my favorite lyrics from Mas Google. And so this song would describes my current feelings. About someone in my school. Dang. I embarrassed myself . Ugh. Ok, let's sing along with the deer! HA HA freak ==' 

"I love you through sparks and shining dragons, I do. Now there's poetry in an empty coke can. I love you through sparks and shining dragons, I do. Now there's majesty in a burnt out caravan.

You got me off the paper-round. Just sprang out of the air. The best things come from nowhere. I love you I don't think you care.

I love you through sparks and shining dragons, I do. And the symmetry in your northern grin. I love you through sparks and shining dragons, I do. I can see myself in the refill litterbin.

You got me off the sofa. Just sprang out of the air. The best things come from nowhere. I can't believe you care."




Pohon Liar.

Hai teman yang sudah repot-repot mau membaca -'.'- he-he-he sudah lama tidak mengepost sesuatu di blog ini ah rindu juga. Oh ya Post kali ini saya mau menceritakan tentang band Indonesia favorit saya The Trees and The Wild. Selamat membaca kawan!


Sekarang udah banyak banget yang ngefans sama musik mereka, musik dan orang-orangnya yang ramah tamah :] pemuda pemudi jaman sekarang ini bisa di bilang siapa yang gatau mereka? Pasti semua tau! Seneng sih akhirnya banyak banget yang menunggu aksi mereka, yang mendukung karir mereka pokonya saya sebagai salah satu fans mereka juga ikut senang lah intinya.

Cerita saya:

Pertama kali saya tau band The Trees and The Wild itu kalau tidak salah karena kakak saya adalah teman gitarisnya yaitu Iga Massardi di gitaris.com. Lalu saya di beri dengar lagu Roman Jakarta-nya Iga Massardi yang akhirnya saya dengarkan setiap hari he-he-he bagus loh kalian harus dengar! Setelah itu saya memutuskan untuk melihat myspace mas Iga Massardi dan di situ dia ada Trees and The Wild! Waktu itu di Top Friends nya ada Sigur Ros, saya jadi semakin untuk mendengarkan, pasti bagus dan memang bagus! Saya mulai memberi tau pada kedua teman saya yaitu Mariska dan Btari (yang sampai saat ini kami bertiga masih cukup rajin datang ke show ttatw) dan mereka ya.................suka juga lah. Dan mulai saat itu saya menunggu album mereka. HE-HE-HE.

salah satu foto favorit saya, di ambil dari myspace http://www.myspace.com/thetreesandthewild

Pertama kali menonton show The Trees and The Wild:

Itu ya...................di SMPN 115 Jakarta he-he. Tepatnya Cramsisco 3 (2009). Waktu itu saya dapat bagian Band. Terus mengusulkan The Trees and The Wild, dan yak melihat tampang teman-teman saat di ruangan mereka jelas tidak tau. Tapi untung ada Andra yang TER-NYA-TA fans ttatw juga! Dia pun mendukung! Dia juga yang menghubungi ttatw untuk tampil di Cramsisco dan mengurus syalala-nya dan saat kekurangan dana dia memberikan tambahan dana yang membuat saya terkejut! HAAAH senangnya! baik sekali memang dia itu. 

Dan cerita di mulai: Sehari sebelumnya ada Check sound buat para band-band. Dan check sound sekitar jam 6 kalau tidak salah. Saya menunggu dengan sabar segala persiapan mereka, memperhatikan dengan seksama apa yang mereka lakukan dan diam tidak bergerak. HA HA HA idiot pisan. Ya tapi saat mereka mulai...........................saya mulai menangis. DAN hanya saya yang menangis tersedu, terharu maksudnya uh. Bener-bener saya langsung lari ke tengah lapangan, meringkuk, nangis. SAKING TERHARU adoh adoh. Terus teman-teman menghampiri, dan semua begitu terasa nyaman, udara sejuk malam, teman-teman di sekeliling, dan The Trees and The Wild.

DAN besokannya adalah hari manggung mereka yang resmi. Ah Cramsisco, kangen. Mereka memainkan dengan hebat, semua orang terlihat kagum, dan bisikan dari teman-teman yang bilang 'ahhh keren banget' membuat saya cengar cengir sendiri. Tapi saat hampir selesai, semestinya mereka memainkan satu lagu lagi tapi diganti Aftermiles terus..............saya marah-marah sambil nangis kaya anak gila. Tapi untungnya Andra! sang penyelamat hari, mengajak saya ke atas ke tempat ttatw, lalu saya bersalaman dan berfoto bersama, hari yang sangat indah :') 


Sejak saat itu saya selalu berusaha menyempatkan diri ketika mereka menggelar show, salah satu favorit saya adalah saat Launching Album mereka sudah pasti dan Hasta Manana di kedai. Saya akan tetap jadi pendukung setia kalian! YEA he-he-ho-he

Salam Liar,

Nadia Anindita


Me. You. and Things.

ok. first i don't know what to say. but, I got to tell you something. I'll make it easier for you. Honestly, I just expecting only one person who read this post. But I allowed you (who-i-did-not-mention) to read it too. 

 I didn't say anything, but it doesn't means i Hate you. Nah.  Actually I have made some illustration, for you. But I don't have the guts to show it. I'm glad that you were still expecting words from me. I missed you. But, you were miles away from me. 

damn. Now my face is so shitty, cause I'm crying. what a stupid =.=

-------------------------ok. i'm gonna stop that crappy things--------------------------

bye. have a nice day fella! you can go to the toilet, I know you want to vomit =___=



Oh my dear

Ok mates I don't wanna waste your time. I get this picture from Phoenix sites and, THIS SHIRT WAS SO DAMN COOL!!!
Yea even the design is veryveryvery simple, but you can see it by yourself, YOU MUST ADMIT IT!

Cool isn't it? Especially for Phoenix fans!
Um I'm so stupid that I'm not coming to their show in my town last year. I feel like a dumbest person in the world HU-HU-HU
But I hope they will came again next year or probably this year! I wish

Phoenix i love you!

You guys are amazing!

Hey pal, you know what? Phoenix are following me back on twitter!!! O.M.G YAY! ;P


Precious Photos

Telat banget sungguhan sih kalau baru meng-upload sekarang HA HA tapi daripada engga ada kan? Yasudah. Di episode tahun lalu saya memberi janji manis akan meng-upload foto pada saat Launching album The Trees and The Wild (http://atheyoandthelion.blogspot.com/2009/05/launching-album-rasuk.html) dan, Ini Dia! 

The Trees and The Wild


w/ Remedy Waloni!

w/ Andra Kurniawan!

 w/ Iga Massardi!

 Oh man, this one is my Favorite! I would never forget this.

[muka saya sensor, malu jelek sekali HU-HU-HE]

  w/ Teguh Wicaksono (the manager)


Let's go home! Even we don't want to leave Goethe House :'[





Piercing words

Saya tidak tahu. Terkadang saya sangat merindukan si bodoh itu. Tapi, ya itu saya tidak tahu kenapa. Dia, sangat berarti untuk saya. Selama ini saya sudah berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk lupa ingatan tapi sulit. Beberapa orang yang amat baik telah datang menghibur dengan menawarkan ketulusan yang menakjubkan, tapi dengan santun saya menolak. Ini menyebalkan, tapi bagaimana lagi kita sudah terlampau jauh. Sesungguhnya begitu dekat, tapi saya merasa kita berjarak jutaan kilometer dengan dinding konyol yang begitu tinggi dan keras. Tidak ada yang seperti kamu, mungkin ada. Tapi sulit nyarinya kan saya malas. Oh ya, saya mendapati beberapa lirik yang menyentuh dan selalu membuat saya teringat pada si bodoh.

Cause we lost it all. Nothing lasts forever I'm sorry I can't be perfect. Now it's just too late and We can't go back. I'm sorry I can't be perfect.

-Perfect; Simple Plan

Dan lagu dari Mariah Carey berjudul We Belong Together yang sempat menjadi hits saat saya duduk di bangku sekolah dasar. Lagu yang satu ini benar-benar menyengat hati saya. Menyedihkan. Yea I'm pathetic, I knew it. 

I didn't mean it when I said I didn't love you so
I should've held on tight, I never should've let you go
I didn't know nothing, I was stupid, I was foolish
I was lying to myself

I could not fathom I would ever be without your love
Never imagined I'd be sitting here beside myself
'Cause I didn't know you, 'cause I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt

The feeling that I'm feeling now that I don't hear your voice
Or have your touch and kiss your lips 'cause I don't have a choice
Oh, what I wouldn't give to have you lying by my side
Right here, 'cause baby
(We belong together)

When you left I lost a part of me (Together)
It's still so hard to believe
(Come back, come back)
Come back baby, please
(Come back, come back)
'Cause we belong together

Who else am I gon' lean on when times get rough (Ooooooh yeah)
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone till the sun comes up (Oooooh yeah)
Who's gonna take your place, there ain't nobody better (Oooooooh yeah)
Oh, baby baby, we belong together

I can't sleep at night when you are on my mind
Bobby Womack's on the radio saying to me:
"If you think you're lonely now"
Wait a minute this is too deep (too deep)
I gotta change the station so I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break and then I hear Babyface
I only think of you and it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together but I'm falling apart

I'm feeling all out of my element
I'm throwing things, crying
Trying to figure out where the hell I went wrong
The pain inflicted in this song ain't even half of what I'm feeling inside
I need you, need you back in my life, baby
(We belong together)

When you left I lost a part of me (Together)
It's still so hard to believe
(Come back, come back)
Come back baby, please
(Come back, come back)
'Cause we belong together

Who else am I gon' lean on when times get rough (Ooooooh yeah)
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone till the sun comes up (Oooooh yeah)
Who's gonna take your place, there ain't nobody better (Oooooooh yeah)
Oh, baby baby, we belong together baby! (We belong together)

When you left I lost a part of me (Together)
It's still so hard to believe
(Come back, come back)
Come back baby, please 
(Come back, come back)
'Cause we belong together

Who else am I gon' lean on when times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me till the sun comes up 
Who's gonna take your place, there ain't nobody better 
Oh, baby baby, we belong together!


These few months I was never being melancholy, but now I really feel it. And I hate that kinda feeling. 


I am ordinary.

Hi! welcome to my blog, nice to know that there's someone still care about my stupid blog. Thanks.

Ok, now it's already dark in my town; Jakarta, Indonesia. Where stars are barely came out, traffic jam everywhere, very hot and annoying at noon and rain almost everyday came to my town. Har har har.

Oh yea, lately my life was pretty fun, I don't have much problem as much as 2009. So far 2010 is a great year. And yea if there are any problems, the only problem is my school. I'm not saying that I HATE my school but really, if you were me I guess you wouldn't be happy. The only one who can make me worn well is just my class, X-C. We might not close to each other, but I know them well. At least, they could cheer me up! with all the silly jokes that made by the guys, or my pretty close friends in my class. I love them. They keep me survive. Even sometimes a few of them make me upset, but it's okay. They never hurt me, yea there's no better refuge as nice as my class.
Oh! I have photo of my class when we were new in 3 SHS. here it is! <3


Rumbling and Grumbling

this time my mind was a mess I do not know what to do and where to go everything around me is annoying and strange I hope I can find a pleasant place somewhere. I decided to lie down for awhile I saw the sky. Unusually, this time they look extremely miraculous! and they succesfully inspire me then I wrote a song, a very simple words and pleasing. I often do this.

a cryptyc story by,


Doraemon si Brengsek

Gambar ini saya copy dari Kaskus. Lantas saya ngakak stadium 5. Silahkan menikmati bagi yang belum pernah baca ='.'=