
Imma complainers, how about you?

I don't like my life since I realize that I'm so empty in senior high school. I feel like, no one's love me, ok. I had friends but, I don't feel like they're loving me. Unlike my junior high school, I know they love me. Cause I can feel it somehow, I surrounded by their love. And I really comfort with that.
Now, everytime I go to school, there's no exciting feelings. Just come to school, feeling empty, keep walking like that, egh I hate being like this. It's like they wanting me to be someone new, but I know one thing that I couldn't be a different person, cause I like being myself. This is me, I won't change it.
I want something great, but I didn't found it yet.

But yesterday I was surprised with news from my brother. He got Unpad, you can congratulate him if you want to. But he still waiting confirmation from UI. He wanted to go to UI. But, the news FOR ME is......................if he didn't get UI then he will move to Bandung to continue his school at UnPad. And so do I, I'm gonna move to Bandung. And that's gonna change my life so much. New town, new school, new friends, and absolutely new life. But, I still consider it. How's my life gonna be? worst or better? It's puzzled me. If you got some advice, please tell me. This is my MSN: atheyo@hotmail.com you can add it. I really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading my confession. More precisely, my shit. But i'll give you double thanks(what's the use?) if you wanna give me some advice :D