
Speak up!

I'm dying to see you This is our decision, WE can't fix it before we talk blunty You are my favorite enemy ever We should talk, now! You are my musical soulmate and I won't replace you I like when we are HERE It's quite romantic, I know


UH-HUH that *beep*

Now it's middle on the night in Indonesia. And I haven't sleep yet. It's like insomnia or something like that, I don't know. So I decided to post these photograph while I watching them on Youtube. I like them! their music, their style, how they're talk and much more. I just love it, and I am the biggest fan of them. Probably not the biggest he-he but they inspire me! And I make this picture, just for showing you a photos.

#1 Xavier de Rosnay
from Justice
#2 Alice Glass from Crystal Castles
#3 Craig Nicholls from The Hives
#4 Sondre Lerche

And that's it. Now i'm gonna hit the bed, goodnight & goodbye!


I learn. I live. And I try to make it better

K, boys and girls welcome to my Blog. It's been a long time since my last post, but i'm sure this is not letting any one down. As you know, I'm not updating my blog everyday. And I'm trying (so hard) not to tell you about my love stories, like a bunch of girls did. And sorry for my bad grammar, I write this all just to practicing.

Uh oh, ok. I know I'm wasting your time. But I want to tell you that I just got my first lomo =_= don't jeer me ok? I learn to use it, and it was awesome! There's so many trick that I could learn. And yea I think I'm gonna love it. First time I bought the film, I was fooled by the seller HA HA pity me T-T but not only that I don't know how to used the film!!!!! I feel like I'm totally a bufflehead! And it wasn't nice -_-

Umh.....................and this is my Holga. I took it from Om Gugel

I can't show you my photos. Sorry for that. But soon I will!

Bye! thanks for reading


New day. New friend. New enemy. Such a Mess


welcome to my blog! have fun reading

Sudah lama saya tidak update blog cacat ini, terlalu banyak yang ingin di ceritakan HE HE HE. Good news or Bad news? perhaps the bad one first! enjoy 

I got 10 problems

  1. Hp saya yang baru beberapa bulan bersama menjalin hubungan baik telah lenyap di lalap pasir hina Anyer durhaka! sedih. AH lupakan
  2. ada perselisihan di antara teman saya tapi saya hanya diam kaku kutu cakep aja sih
  3. Since I moved to my grandpa house, I DONT HAVE MY OWN BEDROOM yet.
  4. computer rusak, main internet bergilir pake laptop kakak T-T eek
  5. entah kenapa mungkin karena efek mabok obat nyamuk waktu di Anyer saya jadi amat sangat luar biasa hyper super males latihan Softball
  6. Gatau cuma perasaan apa gimana tapi saya merasa terabaikan seperti eek kerbau HU HU HU
  7. baju goa ilang-ilangan entah kemana, kalo pergi jadi bingung mau pake apaan. jadi biasanya cuma pake singlet sama celana senam nenek.............................TAK DENG!
  8. udah seneng dapet orang yang lagi bisa di demenin EH TERNYATA! karena kurang hati-hati memilah milih setelah diperhatikan ternyata dia sangat amat kurus dan saya takut dia patah tulang dadakan, jadi saya panggil dia Cheetos boy (hem) dan saya hilang rasa
  9. baru sadar, ternyata saya belum punya apa itu yang namanya 'sahabat'
  10. nilai saya jelek-jelek dan remedial telah menanti mesra di sekolah teladan setiabudi ceria HI HI HI 

Good news! obviously for ME 

  1. Sebentar lagi saya akan dapat kaus baru yang saya pesan dari Kaskus HE HE kaus Empire of The Sun sama Sonic Youth! YES GIRANG. Anthem: "baju baru alhamdullilah untuk di pakai di hari biasa, kau tak punya tak apa-apa masih banyak baju lainnya (OH YA?!-mimik muka kaget lantaran bahagia-)"
  2. jadi begini(agak panjang ceritanya), saya kan di suruh kakak saya jadi Photographer dan kabar anginnya Ibunda saya akan membelikan SLR februari nanti, tapi untuk berlatih aku ingin membeli Lomo. Setelah menghabiskan berhari-hari mencari Lomo indah untuk bergelayut di leherku, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk membeli Lomo Holga milik Diaz yang berwarna Hijau dia jual lebih murah dari yang lain, jadi saya beli HA HA HA jum'at nanti saya sudah bisa fotofoto segirang hati OYE!
  4. Platypus sepertinya mulai memperhatikan ku........................HA HA HA YES
  5. saya mulai bisa membuat lagu, inspirasi muncul lebih sering daripada beberapa bulan belakangan ini ASYIK

Sejujurnya sih banyak banget yang mau di ceritakan tapi tiba-tiba saya bingung sendiri, yaudalah sampe sini saja. Makasih udah mau baca he he he 
